Looking for content to keep your customers in the loop, increase SEO, share on social media and more?
Quick Tips are the perfect way to keep in touch with your customers and add content to your online presence. Each Quick Tip contains a high-resolution image and text file, making them perfect for email newsletters, websites, blogs, social media and more! Plus, there are no limits on how you can use them - give your marketing efforts a boost with Quick Tips today!
Sample Quick Tips:
Quick Tips 1:
1. Sticking Closet Door2. Quick – Turn Off the Water! (Warm Climate, Cold Climate)
3. Plugged Drain? Here’s a Quick Fix
4. One Cold Room
5. Save Money with a Filter Change
6. Finding Studs
7. Get with the GFCI
8. The Sinking Sidewalk
9. No “Ding-Dong” at the Bell
10. Reviving a Dead Disposal
11. Inside Info on an Outdoor Fixture
12. Is Your Roof Worn Out?
13. That *#%! Patio Screen Door